History of The New Jersey Chapter
The New Jersey Graduate Chapter of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship was chartered in the City of Newark, New Jersey on August 3,1974 by a small group of Fellowmen from Kean University (formally Newark State College), Rutgers University, Bloomfield College, and various other College and Universities throughout the country. These Fellowmen decided that it was important for them to continue to "Groove" after leaving the halls of higher education. For many years, the New Jersey Graduate Chapter has hailed some thirty plus Fellowmen and has remained the most active graduate chapter in Groove Phi Groove's history.
The New Jersey Graduate Chapter has provided the nation of Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc.with a National President, John East, 2nd National Vice President, Kenneth D. Cooper, National Treasurer, Frank V. Daniels, National Communications Director, and an Editor of the Sword & Spear (national newspaper), Randy James.
Over the years, the members of the New Jersey Graduate chapter have participated and partnered with a number of community-based organizations; such as the Newark Emergency Services, 10,000 Mentors, Red Cross, Saint Ann's Soup Kitchen, Adopt a Highway, Toys for Tots, feed the Children Fund, and the Fellowman Willie J. Brown Scholarship Fund. The New Jersey Groovers have also carried the "Torch" for the original "Groovin In the Summertime" BBQ since its inception in the summer of 1973.
Together with the sisters of Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc. we have successfully created a unique partnership that not only helped us to dedicate ourselves to our community, but has also served as an example for all Brothers and Sisters.
"The Struggle continues, but together we can accomplish anything"